Countdown finished!
Airsoft Mission Event Graphic




Date: March 23rd, 2025


Check-in: 0830-1000

Briefing: 1000-1015 - Must be checked-in to be able to play the Event

Team Assembly: 1045-1100

Chrono: 0900-1030 (anyone not chrono’d before briefing will chrono after)

The time for the event may change and are not exact. Times are a guideline.





RENTALS ARE FIRST COME FIRST SERVE. Cannot be pre-registered.

Only smoke grenades purchased at Pev's are allowed.

No pyro grenades. Bang 22, Bang-XL, and Thunder Bs are allowed. If it is not listed, ask the staff before the event.

There is no Bang Bang, Safety Kill, Melee kill, etc at Pevs. You can out of courtesy bang bang someone but it is not mandatory.

Food and water are available for purchase. They are located at the concession stand, by check-in.


Semi-Auto limit; 1.6j 

Full-Auto limit; less than 1j 

LMG limit; 1.6 with 60 ft minimum engagement distance

Bolt Action; 1.8j with a 60 ft minimum engagement distance

Rate of Fire 20 rounds per second max.


Mission 1: Domination

Primary Objective: There are five capture points across multiple fields. To win, hold more points than the other team at the end of the round.   

 Special Rules: Medics (see medic rules).

 Area Of Operation; Fort, Scrapyard, Valley, Citadel and Barnyard 

Time frame: 2 Hours

 Start: 1030 to 1230 Multiple rounds if needed. 

Lunch Break: 1230 to 1315

Mission 2: Operation Ares


The main objective is for one team to arm the bomb and the other team's objective is to prevent that from happening. However, there are two side objectives for both teams to complete. Those being Capture the Flag and Javelin Push.

 Area Of Operation; Compound, Valley, Citadel and Barnyard

Time Frame: 2 Hours  Start: 1330 to 1530

Special Rules for the Event: (Normal field rules are ALWAYS in effect)

 *Unlimited Respawns. Unless stated otherwise.

 *Medics Enabled: Each player can be revived by a medic once per life. For a medic to revive a downed player, the medic will tie a piece of white ribbon around the downed player’s arm. Players can either wait for a medic to show up or walk back to spawn after a 2-minute Minimum bleed-out time. Medics will be marked with a White armband. 

*All HPA Users are required to have Tournament Locks. If needed, they will be provided.

General Information:


            If you are Not checked-in by time of Briefing You do not get to play. 

RENTALS ARE FIRST COME FIRST SERVE. Cannot be pre-registered.

            NO smoke grenades allowed.           

            Allowed grenades are Bang 22, Bang-XL, Thunder Bs, and Breytac Thunder B conversions.


Ask the staff before the event if it can be used if it is not listed. 

No Pyro Grenades are allowed

There is no Bang Bang, Safety Kill, Melee kill, etc at Pevs. At Pevs these are considered courtesy kills, and are optional to give and to take. 


Food and water are available for purchase. They are located at the concession stand, by check-in.

Staff Information:

Each Ref will be given a Dead Zone to manage. Red team has Compound’s Dead Zone, Blue team has Barnyard Dead Zone (The one near Spools).


Make sure players have checked in and chrono’d Mark wristbands and tape


Team tape (Red or Blue) is to be on both upper arms. Medic Tape is to be on one arm and is white.


The number of Medics per team is 1 Medic for every player 5 players (So out of 5 players one is a medic)


Each player will be given a Two-foot long piece of ribbon to use to revive players. For the Medic to use to revive them. The Ribbon stays on the player's arm till they go back to respawn.


Make sure your players understand the rules, game mode and spawn/respawn points


Full-seal safety-rated goggles are required to be worn on fields at all times. Do not remove your goggles on the field. Mesh goggles are NOT allowed.

Barrel Covers must be on rifles, mags out, HPA lines disconnected, and pistols holstered anytime you are not in play. Barrel plugs are NOT allowed.

No Blind Firing – You must always be able to see your target while shooting at them.

You are responsible for the safety of your own equipment. Pev’s is not responsible for any equipment left unattended. If you are renting equipment, you are responsible for its safe return. You will be asked to pay for replacement costs if it is lost or stolen.

Pevs does not have a ‘bang-bang’ or safety kill requirements, they are classified as courtesy kills and do not count as kills unless or until the target voluntarily declares themselves out.

Melee is not allowed.

Pevs is a family-friendly establishment. Alcohol and marijuana is prohibited. Smoking and vaping are allowed ONLY in the designated smoking zone near the parking lot.

All BBs must be purchased from Pevs due to Loudoun County's environmental code.

Climbing on the cover, crawling under trailers, entering trailers, or leaving the play zone is NOT allowed.

If you or someone around you gets injured, please notify the staff.

If someone’s eye protection falls off, immediately shout ‘BLIND MAN!’ and cease playing. If you hear Blind Man called: cease-fire, repeat the call, and wait in place until staff declares an all-clear. 

Chrono: will chrono after this (anyone not chrono’d before briefing will chrono after)

Zero Tolerance for cheating. Call your hits, if you are unsure, call it anyways. When you are hit, put your hand up and yell 'Hit'. If you are able to be revived, take a knee and keep your hand up, or use a dead rag.   

Social Media





There is no Bang Bang, Safety Kill, Melee kill, etc at Pevs. At Pevs these are considered courtesy kills, and are optional to give and to take. 

Food and water are available for purchase. They are located at the concession stand, by check-in.

Airsoft Gun Tech/Upgrades Available


Pev's holds no responsibility on pricing/labor or equipment.

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