All Day Entry
Pev's holds no responsibility on pricing/labor or equipment.
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All BBs MUST be bought from Pev’s – to comply with Loudoun County’s environmental rules. Caught using outside BBs will result of dismissal from property with no refund. **
Pev’s Paintball is a family park. No cursing/foul language, smoking, cheating, fighting, offensive clothing/gear, or any other misconduct. Failure to abide by these rules will result in your removal from the park — No Refund.
Pev’s is a NO tolerance cheating facility. Anyone caught is banned from the facility indefinitely.
If you think or see another player not calling hits, must tell instructors. Please do not join in not calling hits. Play fair!
Minimum age to play Airsoft is 10 years old (Pev’s highly recommends an adult to be present as a spectator if anyone is under 13 yrs old)
Full seal eye protection (goggle) & Nose, Mouth and Ears protection are mandatory. (Mesh, Shamaghs, or Scarves are acceptable for Nose, Mouth, and Ears Only).
Barrel Covers are mandatory. Barrel covers must be on at all times except while inside designated playing areas.
4 different chrono limits for Airsoft
All players must have and use a “red dead rag” (can be purchased for $3). Red dead rags are to indicate that a player is eliminated at that time as he/she is walking off the field. Once you are eliminated you may not speak to any live player(s), you must go straight to the safe zone.
All players and spectators must fill out waivers in order to play or watch. Parent or guardian must sign for anyone 17 years and under. Spectators must wear full face protection Mask/Goggles.
No open toe footwear. Recommended outdoor footwear sturdy and easy to move around in.
Clothing recommendations: Long sleeve and pants. Dress to be outside and to get dirty.
Pev’s Paintball is not responsible for lost, stolen, or broken equipment. Please keep an eye on your equipment. If you are renting any gear, you are responsible for its safe return. Retail charges do apply for lost or broken rental gear.
Full Auto allowed — Exceptions based on type of airsoft gun in use. More information regarding this on the day of play. Full auto is never allowed inside buildings.
No blind firing, you must be able to see what/who you are shooting at.
1. No mesh eye protection allowed. Eye protection must be fully sealed so no BB can get through. Pev’s staff will check over your eye protection before playing. Paintball Goggles are the best source.
2. Must wear something that covers your mouth, ears and nose. Mesh mask or any cloth works.
3. All weapons entering Pev’s cannot have a magazine loaded and must have a barrel cover
4. Players are not allowed to remove barrel blocking devices until instructed by a referee of Pev’s.
5. Always follow these 4 rules of gun safety AT ALL TIMES:
6. All airsoft weapons must be treated like real weapons at all times and never pointed at players unless on the field during the games. No firing of any kind in or around in the parking areas.
7. The maximum fps for any airsoft gun on an outdoor field is no more then 400 fps* (*some parks my have lower speeds so check each fields requirements before showing up to play.)
8. Players must choronograph (test the speed of their weapon) with the weight of the BB they are playing with.
9. All Players must have their weapon ready to fire when at the chronoing station for a referee to check the speed.
10. Minimum age to participate is 13 years old.
11. All players must wear full face protection approved by the field that you are playing on.
12. No mesh eye protection allowed. Eye protection must be fully sealed so no BB can get through. Pev’s staff will check over your eye protection before playing. Paintball Goggles are the best source.
13. Any use of any pyrotechnic device (TLSFX, Thermobaric, Taggin and similar devices) is instant removal from Pev’s with out refunds.
14. The permission to deploy multiple bb showers, booby traps, devices similar to the M203’s and any other devices will be determined by the field Ref prior to deployment.
15. At no times will there be any hand-to-hand combat or fighting of any kind and no rubber/foam fake weapons(knifes, swords etc…)
16. Swearing will not be tolerated on the field. Pev’s is a family atmosphere.
17. Anyone demonstrating any unsafe behavior will be deemed as unfit to participate and will be asked to leave with No Refund!
18. You must surrender to an enemy if he is within 5 feet of you and you are unaware of his presence. He must have a clear shot of you when he tells you to surrender. You must comply without question if the attacker is within your 5 foot safety zone. If any player has any dispute, he will be expected to resolve the dispute in a professional manner.
19. The Bang-Bang Rule: There is a five (5ft) minimum engagement rule. Any opponent may shoot someone if they are more than five (5ft) away. Any engagement closer than five (5ft), then both participants are out at the same time. If there is a dispute over a questionable bad call then a parlay is called. A parlay means that a second person witnessed and verified the hit or miss, whichever the case may be.
20. A player is eliminated from a game when he or she:
21. When you are hit by a bb you are required to place a hand above your head and call yourself out as an eliminated player. Exit the Field as quickly as possible and do not assume that you will not get shot anymore when you call yourself out. Protect yourself at all times. In the heat of battle peoples’ adrenaline is pumping so do not get frustrated if you get hit again on the way off the field.
22. Dead men tell no tales. Dead men can not talk with live players. They can only talk with other players that are dead.
23. After a player calls themselves out they must proceed off of the field to the designated dead men regeneration location.
24. Gun hits and/or ricochets hits do not count as a hit. This is based off the honor system.
25. Have fun and play with honor and professionalism. Never cheat or break any of the above rules. If any of the rules are broken by a player they may be asked to leave the park with no refund. These rules are for your safety and the safety of others. Remember the referee is the judge on the field and his/her ruling is final.
Check In Hours: 10:30am - 2:00pm
Park Hours: 11:00am - 4:00pm
We are OPEN, learn how Pev's Paintball has taken additional steps to keep you safe.